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The boy who cried force-placed insurance part 3

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It is very lonely sometimes, trying to play God.Oliver Wendell Holmes

Select 2011 Facebook Posts
Looking back with 20/20 hindsight, I can put the pieces together a lot more clearly, but even at the time, I realized I was involved in something unique. Law enforcement officers, government officials, and attorneys have all warned me social media is monitored. I knew it was only a matter of time before the technology started evolving. I figured I may as well document the experience as it happens:

My last day with the bank…The day they tried to get me arrested…

The morning after the Tragedy in Tucson…When I decided to reopen my Facebook page to the public so they could not compare me to him…

The day I attended the Def Jam Signing Party for Judge Da Boss as one of his VIP Guests…

Two days prior to the leak with Anonymous…when I realized I have to remain a separate figure from them in order to complete my goals…Two days after the leak…while growing tired of the repeated personal attacks from both the bank and several members of the mainstream media.

The first time I ever broke a labor law…

March 2011 – By cashing out several retirement funds and successfully securing unemployment insurance through the state for 6 months by proving to them I quit in order to escape unreasonably harsh working conditions within the bank, I was able to afford a comfortable life and wait out the rest of the year financially secure and comfortable without a steady income. I finally had enough plans in place and decided it was time to take action. Although few people other than myself understood the impact of what I had done, popular media personality Cenk Uygar predicted “we might have begun to win the war” when he connected my Empire State Rebellion collaboration with Anonymous to Wikileaks and the Wisconsin Protests (as the “Web” in his WWW segment on MSNBC via The Young Turks)

as the new model on fighting back against the establishment. Alyona Minkovski (through her current affairs television program, The Alyona Show via RT) described my leak from the most fair standpoint I found over the thousands of reports throughout the media. By the end of these two videos, I knew that at least somebody out there who could make a difference understood what I was trying to say. I just didn’t feel it was enough yet. If you can’t understand why you don’t remember any of this happening, read the BREAKING NEWS scrolling across the Alyona clip. My entire life was in chaos, but the major media outlets were busy reporting on natural disasters. I wasn’t as flashy.

I was just some broke guy working with some people hiding in shadows and ultimately standing alone in the desert. AnonOps moved on to cover other news items, but the Anon and I still spoke behind closed doors:

We were still making progress though…you can see it more clearly over the long run…
Take a look at BAC’s stock from the time I began my search for Anonymous until today. 

Thanks to the media coverage, I had several roads open for me. I came into contact with Lisa Epstein, a foreclosure activist in Florida, who had been fighting the banks for years in the courts and city halls of Florida. Lisa also runs a website called, in which she provides a safe and private place for attorneys and activists nationwide to discuss foreclosure defense strategies. Lisa and I developed a working relationship and friendship over time, which leads to a later move to Florida.

At the same time, I received some much needed guidance by Wendy Day, who is a pro when it comes to fighting the system. She made a career out of helping artists regain control of the business surrounding the music they make. Aside from leading me in the direction of Gary Webb’s famed Iran Contra scandal of the 1980’s for comfort, she provided sort of a bouncing board of ideas so I didn’t feel so insane with what I was doing and how I was affecting the world.

At the same time, someone hiding behind an uncrackable email delivery system had been training me in setting up anonymous browsing, VPN’s, pass through servers, PGP/GPG encryption, etc.

April was going to be a big month. April was when I started meeting with regulators. I spent the rest of the month of March training while establishing contacts within the media, such as with Jenny Churchill, the producer of The Alyona Show on RT networks. I had planted all of the seeds for my personal American Spring, and it was time to make it rain legislation down upon the banks like nobody had ever seen before…because everyone had seriously underestimated me…and I had plenty of tricks left up my sleeves…Next month was when I upped the stakes…
Next Chapter–>

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