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Who is Anonymous?

The open-sourced nature of Anonymous actually makes it infinitely more powerful than Mr. Lyon’s propaganda implies. First, to clear up the misinformation in his post:

1) Anonymous does not have factions, because Anonymous is not a group. Anonymous is an ideal, and many groups and individuals support and unite under the symbology associated with this ideal.

2) Wikipedia is thus far doing a great job documenting the list of successful Anonymous Operations: Timeline of events associated with Anonymous. While some operations may not hit full power, it does not mean that the Anonymous brand as a whole is ineffective; it simply means not enough people have been outraged yet to contribute.

3) My firsthand experience with working with #Anonymous symbols was in blowing the whistle on force-placed insurance, a fraudulent product that was invented by the banks to hide their financial fraud: Another Ploy to Rip Off Homeowners.

You can also find more info about how Anonymous helped me expose Bank of America and QBE’s force-placed insurance fraud on my blog: The Boy Who Cried Force Placed Insurance Chapter 2: Changing Tides…

The Anon ideal successfully protected me from the bank’s retaliation machines while helping spread my inside whistleblower information to both the public and government regulators. If not for the assistance of fellow #Anon supporters, I never could have been a successful whistleblower. I’m happy (scratch that, I’m proud) to credit all of my past, present, and future accomplishments to the idealogy of Anonymous…

Now that you understand a little bit more about what #Anonymous truly is, understand that everyone contributes to it. Any individual or small group that needs the power to stand up against a large machine can hide under the Anonymous flag and are free to contribute in any way they choose…

Learn more about online privacy on my Huffington Post blog: You Should Be Anonymous…

Or you can attend a local cryptoparty: index [CryptoParty.]

Otherwise, simply search for Anonymous on any social media platform to get up to speed on current events buzzing in the hivemind…

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