How hackers get started hacking websites

Set up a home network: How To Set Up A Home Network In 5 Simple Steps

Install Kali Linux (the update to BackTrack): Rebirth of BackTrack, the Penetration Testing Distribution.

Learn the technical of hacking by accessing your own devices through your home network. You can even set up a dummy site on your network, hide drives, etc. The hard part isn’t the technical side though; the hard part of hacking is assessing your target’s weaknesses, socializing your way through their ranks, learning how their systems work, gaining password access, etc. all while covering your trail to ensure you’re not caught (which means never telling ANYONE what you did, no matter how bad you want to).

The biggest thing is to set up proxy servers and VPNs in different countries and utilize TOR, PGP, Jabber, RiseUp, and other services and tools that help mask your identity online. It’s also a safest to perform such acts on a public network (schools are often your best bet), and on a temporary device that has never been registered to you in any way. Run everything off a flash drive, and never keep the drive and device in the same place.

Regardless of technical skill, your best bet is to study modern digital crime cases, such as Aaron Swartz, Jeremy Hammond, and the PayPal 14. Be sure to look up their lawyers and other digital activists and keep their info in your contact book, even if they seem too high up to ever care about you. If you’re going to experiment on the internet, you want to do so knowing you have a safety net.

Also understand that the police will catch you off guard, so remain calm and watch this video… 

Once you understand what you’re getting yourself into and understand the consequences, hack the planet, my friend. The interwebz were designed to be explored, and human beings are a naturally curious animal. Enjoy creating whatever you choose to create online…

Cheers and namaste… <3