Keep your parents from monitoring you

Set up two-step authentication. You’ll be able to download Google Authenticator on your phone. It’s an app that randomly generates a number. Even with the password, no one can log in without physical possession of your phone. It’s a pain, but it’s the same security (well, one step anyway) used by banks.

Twitter and Facebook allow the same, though they’ll text you a confirmation code. You can pretty much lock yourself out of Instagram so long as you have Facebook (so use an impossible password).

Also check your devices for key logging software, and don’t log into any of those accounts on your home network. Your parents own it and can monitor your traffic. Go to Home Depot, McDonalds, Barnes & Noble, a friend’s house, school, or anywhere else to log in to these accounts, and log out all devices. Then set up two-step authentication and change your password.

Then set up a VPN and proxy somewhere offsite (preferably on a friend’s computer). This will route all your encrypted network traffic through their network, so your parents can’t monitor it anymore without gaining access to your physical devices.

Remove any personal info from these accounts. Your parents know everything about you and can guess the security questions to reset your password unless you can train yourself to memorize joke answers to things like pet name school, etc.

See how they like that 🙂